About Willow Creek Retreat HouseMary and Tim have been visiting Crestone since the 1980's and return as often as possible. We own and create Windwalker Footwear (www.windwalkerfootwear.com), specializing in custom fit/ custom designed boots and shoes that we hand make as a family business with our daughters. This occupation lends itself to a migratory lifestyle that we base out of Snowflake ,AZ where we have an off-the-grid studio near the White Mountains. In Feb-March we travel to Phoenix to participate in the Artisan Market of the AZ Renaissance Festival.(www.royalfaires.com)We take short trips in the Spring and Fall to display our wearable art in Southern CA, and spend our summers in the Chicago ,IL area at the Bristol Renaissance Faire(www.renfair.com). Our route often takes us through Crestone where we linger to relax, unwind, and feel gratitude for our busy lives.